
Vivaldi Partners and Bayernwerk Presented with 2014 Queb Award

Bayernwerk AG delivers electricity, gas, water or heat to 5 million people in Bavaria, which is 41% of the population. Close to 1.200 municipalities and over 2 million households rely on the secure supply of utilities we all take for granted.

Bayernwerk enlisted the help of the Vivaldi Partners team in Munich to build the brand from the inside and strengthen the company’s attractiveness as an employer in order to better serve its customers.

We conducted a workshop series to co-create quick-win action items, as well as long term measures. More than 500 participants developed over 2.000 ideas for next steps and our employer branding campaign reached all 3,000 employees via internal newsletters, the company intranet and in-person sharing. Our collaborative efforts brought to life Bayernwerk’s company vision to “improve peoples lives” to all employees.

We’re excited to announce that Vivaldi Partners and Bayernwerk were awarded Queb’s “Best Internal Employer Branding Campaign” in the 5,000 employees and less category this past week.

Good to know their 2 million customers are in such good hands!

(Full disclosure: Bayernwerk is a regional subsidiary of E.ON, one of the biggest utility companies in Europe for whom Vivaldi Partners developed their global brand strategy.)