
The Year Ahead for Brands & Businesses: Top 15 Trend Reports for 2015

Happy New Year to all!

’Tis the season for setting goals. So what resolutions did you make last night? If staying ahead of the curve made the list, we’re here to help you with a round-up of 15 lists covering the 2015 trends to be aware of:

Consumer Insights

Trendwatching serves up “actionable opportunity” with these 15 consumer trends

PSFK tells us how we will live, work and play in 2015

Ford shares 10 trends and zooms in on the new Generation Z

Jack Morton tell us what people will want from brands in 2015

Marketing Predictions

Avi Dan shares the 11 trends smart marketers need to know

Robert Passikoff engages us with 15 trends for brand engagement

Forbes presents 5 trends your marketing team should budget for in 2015

Technology Trends

Tech Republic reflects on Gartner’s top 10 technology trends and their greater focus on the cloud

The Guardian does some future-gazing with 10 digital media trends

MarketingProfs focuses in on the top 3 mobile marketing trends

Business Shifts

Business Insider shares the 3 trends that will drive innovation in 2015

Forbes lists the 10 trends that will drive business success

And from our very own Philip Ryan, Vivaldi looks at what businesses will be doing in 2015

Entertaining Selection

21 of the world’s top marketers share their digital thoughts and very own selfies

And after so much reading, it’s always soothing to check out some Pinterest eye-candy

Send us any noteworthy trends and predictions we should read up on via the comment section or Twitter and LinkedIn. Help us out with our own New Year’s resolutions as we kick-off 2015 with a bang!